Freelance Business Forum
5:30 PM - 7:15 PM
The freelance business forum (FBF) is a free networking event held at each EMWA conference and a favourite for many attending the EMWA conference. It is open to all EMWA members and not just freelancers. The aim is to get freelancers and those thinking of stepping into the world of freelance to get together to discuss key topics that affect freelancers on a daily basis. After a presentation from an invited speaker, attendees separate off into roundtable discussions which they can meander around to get points from various topics being discussed, towards the end of the session we ask each table leader to summarise the discussions. The discussions range from questions like, how do I become a freelancer? Where do I find clients? How do I advertise my services? To more technical aspects on indemnity insurance and writing contracts for new clients. Freelancers tend to work alone and at home, so it’s a great way to meet, network, ask questions and connect with fellow freelancers who can act as your work colleagues.